

2019年4月15日 プレスリリース




現在進行している研究や、その地域の感染症のパターンおよび社会経済的なリスクファクターを考慮に入れて、個々のアントロポゾフィー医学の医師は特定のワクチンおよび適切なワクチンスケジュールについての科学的議論に参加しています。アントロポゾフィー医学は科学に賛同の立場を取っており、今日のワクチンを巡って分裂した状況においては科学的な議論を継続していくことがこれまで以上に重要になっています。 詳しくは下記までご連絡ください。

Elisa Baldini, elisa.baldini@ivaa.info

元の声明(英語)のダウンロードは こちら.



( Internationale Vereinigung Anthroposophischer Ärztegesellschaften <ドイツ語> / the International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations <英語> )

VAA、国際アントロポゾフィー医学協会連合は、アントロポゾフィー医学の認知とヘルスケアシステムにおいての導入を推進しています。 IVAAの目的は、アントロポゾフィー医学の利点が広く認識されること、および患者と施療者が補完的なアントロポゾフィー医学および治療に正しくアクセスできることです。


Anthroposophic Medicine Statement on Vaccination
15/04/2019 Press Releases, Policy Makers

By the Medical Section of the Goetheanum and the International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations (IVAA)

Vaccines, together with health education, hygiene and adequate nutrition, are essential tools for preventing infectious diseases. Vaccines have saved countless lives over the last century; for example, they allowed the eradication of small pox and are currently allowing the world to approach the elimination of polio.

Anthroposophic Medicine fully appreciates the contribution of vaccines to global health and firmly supports vaccination as an important measure to prevent life threatening diseases. Anthroposophic Medicine is not anti-vaccine and does not support anti-vaccine movements.

Physicians with training in Anthroposophic Medicine are expected to act in accordance with national legislation and to carefully advise patients (or their caregivers) to help them understand the relevant scientific information and national vaccination recommendations. In countries where vaccination is not mandatory and informed consent is needed, this may include coming to agreement with the patient (or the caregivers) about an individualized vaccination schedule, for example by adapting the timing of vaccination during infancy.

Taking into account ongoing research, local infectious disease patterns and socioeconomic risk factors, individual anthroposophic physicians are at times involved in the scientific discussion about specific vaccines and appropriate vaccine schedules. Anthroposophic Medicine is pro-science and continued scientific debate is more important than ever in today’s polarized vaccine environment.

For further information, please contact:

Elisa Baldini, elisa.baldini@ivaa.info

To download the statement, click here.

About the Medical Section of the Goetheanum 

The Medical Section of the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, is the international center for Anthroposophic Medicine. It promotes the further development of Anthroposophic Medicine through conferences and international postgraduate medical trainings and plays a coordination role for research and trainings in Anthroposophic Medicine. https://medsektion-goetheanum.org/en

About IVAA

IVAA, the International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations, promotes the recognition of Anthroposophic Medicine and its implementation in health care systems. IVAA’s aim is that the benefits of Anthroposophic Medicine are widely recognized, and that patients and practitioners have ready access to complementary anthroposophic medicines and treatments. www.ivaa.info 
